Defining Graphic Design

Therefore, the activity of those who exercise the graphic design is considered today as a discipline of tertiary features. Thus, in certain universities, the career of graphic designer is called Design in Visual Communication, as far exceeds the printing industry: the messages are transmitted in print (newspapers, magazines) media, digital radio (broadcast television, etc. ) and the association of all these communication resources.
:Within the design in visual communication we can distinguish several areas
Advertising graphic design
Editorial design
Typographic design
Multimedia design
Corporate identity design
Web design
Packaging design
Keep in mind that we talk about a young discipline that had very little literature until the early 1990s, resulting in a boom from the XXI century, due to the massiveness of personal computers and more favorable international conditions on the use techniques in visual communication design. Undoubtedly, the massification of the Internet has been a turning point in the short life of this race. Many art students and related disciplines have tilted their focus of activity and participation prodigious digital design tools, to accommodate its scope to new technologies and thus generate new jobs.
Although the designer need to have insight into various activities related, such as drawing, photography, geometry, optics, Gestalt psychology, perception, typography and semiotics, among many other areas, mainly due to direct all one design process in a multidisciplinary group. If you work alone, you may need to practice by yourself all these disciplines, which would undoubtedly an unusual effort. The equipment works well occur between the designers and also jointly with other professionals, as described in modern publishing groups. It is in these areas where the full potential of these graphics professionals who not only add, edit and perfect the material illustrated in different tangible and digital publications, but also collaborate with the processing of graphics, tables and figures of demonstrated notes written by the authors and collaborators. This activity allows graphic designers a fluid exchange of ideas and concepts with other members of the team, for the growth and professional of each other within the framework of the joint task.
It is also interesting to note that a process of graphic design can be applied to the production of labels, packaging, posters, leaflets, books, newspapers, magazines, CD, DVD, warning signs, maritime flags, posters, corporate identity, typography, control devices, computer graphics, or teaching materials, among other things. We can mention oriented graph, such as the proprietary design Photoshop, Freehand, Illustrator, Flash, or the free Inks cape, GIMP, Blender 3D software. There is no denying the impact of computers in graphic design, to the point that many people argue that the digital revolution is the real mother of this profession. It is difficult to conceive the task of design professionals without the support of desktops and laptops; even begin to describe and design applications on smartphones, while traditional artists in tangible media have begun to gradually move the works generated by software. An interesting debate about the future of copyright with the certain possibility of a redefinition of the concept of copyright in the short or medium term is thus opened for graphic designers.